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Writer's picture: Sophie Louise TaylorSophie Louise Taylor

Ok....... so apparently my great post starts here.

Before i start delving deep into my blog posts (this is something i am going to be putting a lot of time and thought into)

i thought i would just introduce myself first......

I mean if you follow me on instagram, @sophielarmitage - you probably already know a lot about my life, or at least you think you do.

I am a personal trainer working out of a small private gym in Huddersfield, England and a small time influencer (even though i hate that word),

In the last year i have gone through a complete life transformation, at the beginning of 2018 i was sad, border line depressed and literally losing the will to live. I felt like a huge disappointment to my family, i wasn't really striving in my career (because quite frankly i couldn't be arsed) and i felt like i had no purpose to life. I was skint most months for the beginning of the year due to my career choice at the time having very quite months and this just made me feel even worse about everything to do with my life.

I had an amazing trip to the USA booked with my other half, which i could hardly afford to pay towards anymore, i couldn't be bothered to train so my holiday body took a back seat and with this negative mindset that i had picked up how could i possibly change careers and train to become a personal trainer?

WELL GUESS WHAT - i dug deep and i flipping did it!!!

I had so many doubts in my mind, would i even achieve half the things i dream of once qualified, would anyone even pay me, no one even likes me, my body's shit why would anyone even care.

But, with that said i knew that it was something i had to do if i even wanted a chance at feeling better with in myself. It was hard work but it was completely worth it. I already had limited money and was now deciding to pay for a course monthly, but these little things are what made me stronger and what made me want to push even more!

It took me a few months to get the course done, i then flew to the USA for the holiday of my dreams where i also ended up gaining a fiance (sounds cliche but this did wonders for my confidence)

I felt like i was finally on the right track, i was coming home with a fiance and going to start my dream career!

Fast forward a year, i absolutely love my job and i am 100% loving life again, i feel like i make my family proud and my partner proud, i am surrounded by good people, i get to wake up everyday and help people improve their lives just like i improved mine and i am more financially stable then i could ever of imagined. oh and i get married in 10 weeks.

That is just one year, one year of following my dreams even if my head told me not too, one year of feeling huge disappointments and turning them into huge achievements, one year of having £5 in the bank to last me a few weeks, to been able to easily give £5 to someone else in need.

So my message of my first blog is, i haven't always had it easy. I've worked damned hard to battle through my demons and the little barriers that life has thrown at me, and i know i am not the only one. I work hard everyday to try and better myself and better my career so i can keep learning and keep helping other people. That is my passion, not the money, not the freedom, the will and want to help other people live a great and healthy life!



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